It takes 400 repetitions to build a new synapse within our brain…unless it is done through play. Through play it only requires 10-20 repetitions.
– Karen Purvis
Occupational Therapy
What is Occupational Therapy (OT)? It’s highly likely most people start this answer with a ‘err,’ or a ‘umm’ when attempting to put together an explanation!
We like to use words and phrases like ‘meaningful’, ‘participation’, ‘everyday activities’ and ‘connection’. You’d think we could come up with a clear explanation considering OT has been around since the 1700’s! So NO! we are not like Physiotherapy and NO! we do not find people jobs.
Let’s try this – ‘Occupational Therapy focuses on a person’s ‘occupations’ (meaningful every day activities – what a person wants and needs to do) and their ability to complete these independently. Make sense? OT’s play such an important and vital role for so many people, allowing them to live life to the fullest!
Now lets talk Paediatrics. The most meaningful occupation for a child is play! This enables them to learn, build connections and develop. At H2OT we strive to have play and connection at the forefront of our all sessions. Other occupations that might be important for your child include self care tasks or building and maintaining relationships – every child is different and we aim to enable success across all environments.
Oh and don’t forget OT is so much FUN!! You will often find us with huge smiles on our faces and laughing hysterically (at ourselves).
If you are still finding yourself saying “I don’t get it”, that is ok, just give us a call and we can chat more about how H2OT could be the perfect fit for your child.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see who we support and the areas H2OT specialise in.
Parent Consultations
Parents are the experts. Who would have thought!
At H2OT our OTs use a variety of approaches in their sessions to ensure progress towards your child’s goals and one of those approaches is Parent Consultations. It is not always possible to chat during your child’s sessions therefore to ensure our parents feel confident with the therapy we are providing and feel they have a safe space to express their thoughts and feelings we offer Parent Consultations.
The therapists at H2OT are on your team. We have your back. Navigating life with a child who may have a developmental delay, neurodiversity or a disability can be overwhelming and challenging. We are here to hold your hand through the journey. Unfortunately, we are not experts at everything (we wish we could squish everything into our brains) however we have developed a great understanding of who’s who on the Sunshine Coast and like to think we are experts at directing families where they need to go if we are not able to help.
Parent Consultations can be booked in advance or as a one off when required. There are no rules. These can be over the phone, via zoom or face to face at your local cafe.
External Clinical Supervision
At H2OT, we take pride ourselves in delivering quality, evidence-based, and family-centered therapy, and we are dedicated to helping external Occupational Therapists achieve the same high standards.
Our external supervision service is designed to support your professional development by enhancing your reflective practice, clinical reasoning, and caseload management skills. We offer personalised support tailored to your experience level and learning objectives.
We specialise in Aquatic Therapy and Neurodiversity-affirming Occupational Therapy practices.
Our supervision sessions are conducted via Zoom and are available to Occupational Therapists throughout Australia.
Aquatic Therapy
For children living with developmental delays or a disability Aquatic Therapy can be a great addition to your child’s therapy schedule.
Children living with ASD can strongly benefit from the interactive nature of aquatic therapy, which instils competence and confidence in interpersonal communication, as well as everyday activities.
Integrative methodology that simultaneously promotes motor development, sensory processing and social, play and communication skills. Aquatic Therapy harnesses the unique environment of the pool to provide an enjoyable, safe and holistic learning experience. For children with restricted or limited play, pool based games provide a natural opportunity to develop a diverse range of play skills while improving communication and connection.
The calming nature of the water has also proven effective for helping children with behavioural challenges to self regulate. The soothing tactile properties of the water also assist with touch aversions increasing the ability for a child to tolerate and process increased sensory information.
Our Process
Step 1
Your first appointment is designed to get to know you and your child and find out what is important to your family. Our therapists will discuss your child’s strengths and areas of difficulties through observation, assessment and informal discussions.
Step 2
intervention plan
Following your first appointment your therapist will collaborate with your team (other therapists, teachers, paediatricians) to break down suitable goals to either meet your NDIS plan or specific individualised goals.
Step 3
These will look different for each client depending on your child’s goals. Typically, sessions range from 30-60 mins in your home, local community or an aquatic environment. We work with your child and your family to determine frequency and length of therapy.